1st Grade W

W Writing

1st Grade Learning Outcome

1.W.1 Write routinely over brief time frames and for a variety of purposes and audiences.


1.W.2.1 Write all uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters legibly, and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately.

Writing Genres: Argumentative , Informative, and Narrative

1.W.3.1 Write logically connected sentences to make a proposal to a particular audience (e.g., a parent, classmate, etc.) and give reasons why the proposal should be considered.

1.W.3.2 Develop a topic sentence or main idea, provide some facts or details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement.

1.W.3.3 Develop topics for stories or poems, using precise words to describe characters and actions and temporal words to signal event order, with ideas organized into a beginning, middle, and ending.

The Writing Process

1.W.4 Apply the writing process to
With support, develop, select and organize ideas relevant to topic, purpose, and genre; revise writing to add details (e.g., sentence structure); edit writing for format and conventions (e.g., correct spelling of frequently used words, basic capitalization, end punctuation); and provide feedback to other writers.

Use available technology to publish legible documents.

The Research Process: Finding, Assessing, Synthesizing, and Reporting Information

1.W.5 With support, conduct simple research on a topic.
Identify several sources of information and indicate the sources.
Organize information, using graphic organizers or other aids.
Make informal presentations on information gathered.
Conventions of Standard English: Grammar and Usage / Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling

1.W.6.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage, focusing on:

  • 1.W.6.1a Nouns/Pronouns – Writing sentences that include common and proper nouns and personal pronouns.
  • 1.W.6.1b Verbs – Writing sentences using verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future.
  • 1.W.6.1e Usage – Writing complete simple declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.

1.W.6.2 Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on:

  • 1.W.6.2a Capitalization – Capitalizing the first word of a sentence, dates, names of people, and the pronoun I.
  • 1.W.6.2b Punctuation
  • 1.W.6.2b.1 Correctly using a period, question mark, and exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.
  • 1.W.6.2b.2 Using commas in dates and to separate items in a series.
  • 1.W.6.2c Spelling
  • 1.W.6.2c.1 Spelling unknown words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.
  • 1.W.6.2c.2 Correctly spelling words with common spelling patterns.
  • 1.W.6.2c.3 Correctly spelling common irregularly-spelled, grade-appropriate high-frequency words.