1st Grade RV

RV Reading: Vocabulary

First Grade Learning Outcome

1.RV.1 Use words, phrases, and strategies acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to literature and nonfiction texts to build and apply vocabulary.

Vocabulary Building

1.RV.2.1 Demonstrate understanding that context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., glossaries, illustrations) may be used to help understand unknown words.

1.RV.2.2 Define and sort words into categories (e.g., antonyms, living things, synonyms).

1.RV.2.4 Recognize and use frequently occurring affixes, and roots and their inflections, as clues to the meaning of an unknown word

Vocabulary in Literature and Nonfiction Texts

1.RV.3.1 Identify words and phrases in stories, poems, or songs that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses (touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell).

1.RV.3.2 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a nonfiction text.
