Patrick’s Day at the Zoo

(This was done at the end of her 1st grade class)

Patrick was 9 years old. He had a big family. He had a big brother, a big sister, a younger brother and sister, and of course a mom and a dad. Patrick had many adventures.

One morning Patrick heard his mom calling his name. So, Patrick brushed his teeth, washed his face, and put on his clothes. Then he went downstairs. When he came down, his mom said, “We are going to the zoo today!” “Yay!” said Patrick, “I will have so much fun!”

Then his cat came in. (She was an outdoor cat but loved to stay inside.” Her name was Grace. Patrick and Grace never had a fight. “Well,” said his mom, “you must pack up and eat quickly.” So, Patrick and his family sat down to eat.

After they ate, they got ready. “I cannot wait! I bet I will see a lion!” Patrick said, “I love lions!” “Put on your coat,” said his big sister. “Okay,” said Patrick. Then, they went in the big family car, and they drove away to the zoo!

“I can’t wait!” said Patrick when they got to the zoo. “You should wait,” said Patrick’s big brother. “Okay,” answered Patrick. When they got in the zoo, there was a huge sign that read, “NO PETS ALLOWED!” “Look at the sign!” said Patrick. He felt lucky that he didn’t bring Grace, the cat.

Soon they got to the giraffes and the chickens. “Look!” said Patrick’s mom, “Your favorite animals.” “I like giraffes, but I like chicken and birds best.” said Patrick. “I know.” said his mom. They saw the birds and the penguins next.

“We are going to have lunch next, then we are going to the petting zoo.” said Patrick’s mom. “Okay!” everyone said. So, they went to the tables to eat. “I am very hungry.” said Patrick. “Then, let’s eat.” said Patrick’s dad. Today they bought a lot of food. They ate turkey sandwiches (with lettus) and last of all turkey drumsticks.

“A drumstick is basically a turkey leg.” said Patrich’s dad. “Yum!” said Patrick. “Yum!” agreed everyone else.

Patrick ate a lot of food. He started to eat a big turkey drumstick but then said, “I am full.” “Okay then, let’s go to the petting zoo.” said Patrick’s mom, putting the leftovers in a bag.

They had fun at the petting zoo! When they were about to pet more chickens, all the chickens started running around, scared. Patrick saw a hawk coming towards the chicken coop! The whole family saw the hawk coming towards the chicken coop! They tried to shoo the hawk away, but it would not give up its “lunch!”

Just then, Patrick remembered something. “The bird!” said Patrick to his mom. “What do you mean?” asked his mom. “The leg!” answered Patrick. “What?” asked his mom again. “The turkey drumstick!” Patrick finally blurted out.

“Ah, that’s what you meant!” said his mom, “But it’s not a good idea to eat now!” “It’s NOT for me!” answered Patrick, as he lifted the drumstick.

“Hey hawk,” said Patrick, “Eat this!”

The hawk dived down and took the drumstick.

“Yay!” everyone cheered. The chickens were happy. Even the hawk was happy.

After the hawk was gone, Patrick and his family had more fun. They petted horses and camels. They even got to ride a horse and a camel! After a whole lot of laughters and fun, it was time to go home. So Patrick said good-bye and they left the zoo.

The end.

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June 19, 2020 8:40 pm
Reply to  Ally

Thank you! 🙂

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