Final Project

Finish making your stage, take a photo, and post by commenting here.

Plan on telling a 5-minute story with your characters on your stage (You can write and submit an outline of the story together with your photo of the stage).

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November 2, 2020 3:36 pm

This is my box stage.

November 3, 2020 4:05 am
Reply to  Kathleen

Once there was a girl named Cadence All Cosmos. Her greatest dream was to become a detective. One day she went on a picnic with her mom, her dad, her big sister Ellen, and her little brother Willam. After dessert ( which was casserole ), Cadence started to feel a little tired, so she decided to nap under a nearby large oak tree.

After she had finally reached the large oak tree, the news reporter (Mrs.Holly) bursted into the park. Then, a helicopter appeared from nowhere, and the driver ( Mr. Domi ) started to record Mrs. Holly.

At first, everybody was a little frightened and very puzzled. But when Mrs. Holly said that the sun was missing, everyone panicked and immediately looked at the sky with horror. Then, everybody shrieked because they all saw a beautiful blue sky with no sun in sight.
Even Cadence 100% was terrified! But after a few seconds, Cadence’s face lit up with excitement! A mystery! Cadence said to herself. While everyone was overreacting, screaming, and asking Mrs.Holly most of the question’s, Cadence saw a cloud shaped like , then she gasped. Then cloud was a clue that this was caused by the most evilest mad scientist: Dr.Evilness!!! So Cadence tip-toed to his secret layer and fond out that Dr.Evilnesses SUN-BE-GONE 2000 had caused the sun to disappear! Cadence was about to deactivate it when Ellen and Willam appeared. Then Cadence asked WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! Then Ellen explained how they got captured, turned into some incredibly evil minions and stuff. After that, Dr.Evilness appeared in his INDESTRUCTIBLE-BOT 20000 and was ready to battle.

Then fight was very unfortunate, but Cadence had been trained by a ninja. So she managed to handcuff Dr.Evilness and help Ellen and Willam recover from the spell and saved the day.

Then, Cadence woke up realizing that it was all just a dream. Then, she told everybody about it, and they went home.

The end

Last edited 3 years ago by Kathleen Y
November 3, 2020 8:07 pm

Brief outline of my story:

Beginning: Princess Dawn was born.
Middle: Princess Dawn meets rainbow.

  • Problem: She needs to be true friends with a deer to become an alicorn, but all the deer ignored her.
  • Climax: A volcano strikes when they go on a mission to become true friends.
  • Solution: They saved each other.

Ending: Princess Dawn becomes an alicorn. Rainbow the deer becomes a stag. They started a family of their own.

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Max Z
Max Z
November 3, 2020 9:08 pm

The Fossil in the Backyard

It was a Halloween afternoon. The weather was nice, not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, not too sunny. Max invited his friends to go to the woods in his backyard for an adventure.

Max and friends followed his mom, they walked across the lawn and went through a secret entrance covered by tree branches. They saw fallen acorns, greeny moss, and dead tree branches along a stony path behind that secret entrance. The path was covered by thick layers of leaves. They walked in a line on the narrow stony path. Step by step they heard the leaves crackling under their feet. While they were walking, one of the friends asked ” Are there any squirrels in the woods?”
“Squirrels?” answered Max, ” Of course, we have squirrels in this woods. I even saw a mother deer with her fawn, a fat beaver, a red fox, and other animals in this woods. I once heard owls and woodpeckers sound too.”
“WOW!” the kids signed. They wished they would have the luck to see some of these animals too.
They continued walking on the path, and the path led them to a bench. Some kids picked small sticks and other kids picked some beautiful leaves.
Suddenly, Rebecca pointed at the bench and cried out ” Look! A fossil!” All kids followed her voice to see the fossil. They learned about fossils in science class last week, and they were all very curious to see one themselves. So they gathered around Rebecca. On top of that bench they all noticed a vine-like mark. Rebecca pointed at the mark and claimed that she found a fossil in the backyard.
“A fossil on a bench?” questioned Max, “It must be printed there by someone who made this bench.”
The kids had an argument in the woods. At last, Max gave a conclusion that the mark on the bench is not a fossil. Because he learned in class that for a plant or animal to become a fossil, it must die first, then got buried underground for millions of years, and then it may become a fossil and be found by people.
Although the kids didn’t find a real fossil, they still had a wonderful time in the woods.

The end.

Final Project.jpg
November 3, 2020 11:06 pm

This is my box stage!!!!!!!!!!

November 3, 2020 11:45 pm
Reply to  Annette

Once there was a girl named Celestie.She was really pretty but she diddn’t act like the cool and pretty girls in school.Celestie loved animals.Her favorate animals are bunnys and deer.So one day she walked into the forest to see some.She saw that they were having a fight!!She went to stop it and said,”What are fighting about”?”We are fighting for who is the greatest mammal of the forest”!Celestie thought a bit until she got a idea!Seh said,”On a far away island over the forest,lives a beautiful unicorn.Beside the unicorn is a pot of gold!Whoever gets the gold and not get seen by the unicorn is the greatest animal!”What she diddn’t know is that it was true!The animals listened to her and set off.They found the unicorn and the pot of gold and got caught.”Ahh!A new friend and ooh!lucky!two friends!What can I do for you”!”Can you give us that pot of gold”?they asked “Sure!” said the unicorn and gave the them pot.They went back and Celestie was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped open.”Well,you did it!It proves that you are both the same”!So they all went home nobody better then the other and they lived happily ever after!!!

November 4, 2020 12:00 am

Ella’s box stage

Last edited 3 years ago by Ella

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