Comparison of the Red Cat and overture of Cats

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July 14, 2020 12:35 am
Reply to  Ally

The red cat feels angry . I know that because the sounded angry and the picture in the video looked angry .The other cat feels happy and jumpy.The red cat ‘s fur is red and orange mixed together .The other cat is black, and it is taller than the other cat.

July 13, 2020 7:21 pm

In the song “The Red Cat”, the cat is walking smoothly and feeling proud of itself. It is a confident but gentle cat. The music sounds merry, calm, elegant, mysterious, beautiful, and relaxed. However, the cat is also being capricious. The music is not always soft, sometimes it sounds like the cat is prancing to catch its pray (the mouse). And the music sounds a little louder than the soft melody at the beginning. The music is also light-hearted and happy, which makes the cat feels playful.

In the overture of “Cats”, the cats feel strong and proud in the way that they feel proud of how strong they are. The music feels loud, dramatic, and powerful. It feels like the cats spring up to their feet and are running fast. The cats are agitated and angry!

Both of these songs are about cats, but they feel and sound very different.

Last edited 4 years ago by Yue-Yue
Yi Miao
July 13, 2020 8:07 pm

I  listened to red cat for piano and cats ost. They are alike in some ways. They are both piano songs about cats. They are different in some ways. Red cat for piano is soft ,  slow and  quite. Cats ost is strong, fast  and loud. Red cat is happy and friendly. Cats ost is strong and mean.

July 14, 2020 1:02 am

The red cat sounded happy,because the tempo was quick and kind of jumpy,while the overture of cats sounded mysterious at first,then happy too!The overture of cats is a cross between forte and mezzo forte.

Last edited 4 years ago by Annette
July 14, 2020 2:09 am

I think the red cat makes me happy and wants to dance. while the cats OST is super loud and I did not like it as much, the cats OST was also a little bit too fast for me, it also was sounding like anger.

July 14, 2020 5:24 am

These two pieces of music are all about cats.
There are some differences in this two pieces.
The music of the Red Cat for piano is soft, spirited and playful. But the end of this music got a little dramatic and louder.
The second piece of music is the Overture of Cats OST. The music is strong and powerful. The tempo is fast. It is also dramatic and mysterious.
The cat of the Red Cat for piano is joyful and happy. The Overture of Cats OST shows the cat is angry and secretive.
I love both pieces of the music, because they gave me different feelings.

July 14, 2020 2:46 pm

The red cat is jumpy and medium speed and the overture cats is more
higher and faster than the red cat.

July 14, 2020 3:33 pm

The red cat was around medium speed, and it was mezzo-forte. He was calm and collected, but a little mysterious as well. It shifted towards forte during the middle of the piece, but it almost became mezzo-piano at the very end. The song was mostly in a major key, but sometimes, it was minor too. The red cat seemed stylish. It was played on a piano, so I thought of a cat with a suit and tie for some reason.

Cats was a lot faster than Red Cat, but it wasn’t super fast. The song was in forte most of the time, and the song was very aggressive and suspenseful. The cats were extremely agitated. They were very loud. I wouldn’t like to meet them in real life.

July 14, 2020 8:36 pm

The Red Cat for Piano: Soft and spirited music turned into high,fast and strong music. At the last two seconds, it was very strong. The Red Cat music was very happy. The red cat is very cute. It is very handsome.
The Overturn of Cats: The Cats’ music was fast, spirited, crescendo or forte. The music was joyous, cheerful, merry, playful and mysterious. It is like party music and it beats my heart very strong.
Both musics are about cats, but they are very different.

July 14, 2020 10:12 pm

The red cat piano music is cheerful and happy, the tempo is Medium speed, and the dynamics is Mezzo Forte, I also hear some Crescendo in the middle of the music and at the end of the music, there is a little bit of Diminuendo. I think the red cat is cheerful and happy. I feel the cat is also calm and peaceful. And the red cat also likes to play and jump. This is a very cute cat. The overtune of cats piano is Forte with Crescendo, and it is spirited. I also feel it is mysterious. I think the overtune of cats are very noisy and they are celebrating in a big party with lots of noise. I think the cats are screening, having fun and jumping around, they really enjoyed it. I feel they are not calm, instead they are very crazy and loud.

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