Describing facial expression

Please finish writing the paragraph that we did in class — describe the face (human or animal) you drew with the words that we just talked about. You can add more and/or use your own words. Please post your pargraph by commenting on this post (If your drawing is very different from last time’s, you can also submit it together with your paragraph. Below are what you might want to include:

  • How does your character feel?
  • How strong is the feeling? A little bit? A lot? Slight? Intense? Great? Somewhat?
  • How does the feeling look/sound/taste like? (Remember to use your 5 senses to describe!)
  • Use at least one simile and one metaphor to describe.

Below are from our Zoom class for your reference 🙂

What can be described when writing about emotions?

What are some of the words that you can use?

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October 5, 2020 8:34 pm

Haley is excited today, she is going to the movies to watch the movie, The Sad Shoe.

Her hair was sticking up like it was excited to! Her forehead perked up like someone getting an idea. Her eyes and nose and mouth were all leaping in excitement saying” WE ARE GOING TO THE MOVIES TODAY!” Haley’s smile was as big as the smile on her cats face! She was like a mom mouse who just found her long lost baby and was more happy than ever!

That is… until her dad came in and said,” Sorry sweetie. The movies are closed for a month. They say there was an accident and we have to stay home.” Her heart sank to the floor. She felt crushed, let down, and frustrated. Tears rushed down her cheeks as her mouth started to close. It did not say a word. She used to be so happy! Sadness started to creep into her heart. She knew being sad was not a comfortable feeling. She was like a gray stormy day! She was even more sad than the “Sad Shoe!”

“Now what?” She asked herself, “I was almost 100 times happier than the Sad Shoe, but now 100 times sadder.” Her skin turned pale white. Her face was longer than ever.

“Sorry, maybe we can go to the movies next months?” Her dad suggested.

“No!” Cried Haley, “I’ll have to wait for a long time. That seems like forever!”

“Shhh… It’s okay.” Her father said, trying to calm Haley down, “How about we watch it tomorrow morning? Is that fine? They are going to make a video of it.”

“Well,” Haley sighed, “OK. It wouldn’t take what seems like forever. It wouldn’t be exciting, but (sigh) I will go for it.”

“Good.” Said her dad, “Let’s come down for lunch.”

Down they went to lunch, with the sadness going down with them.

The End

Last edited 4 years ago by Yue-Yue
Kathleen Yang
Kathleen Yang
October 6, 2020 5:07 pm

Once upon a time, in a far away place, there was a family of cats. Their names are Miss.Corzor, Mr.Corzor, Vivian, Jackson, Lily, Jake, Maxine, and Zack.

One day, they decided to go on a picnic. Once they arrived, they unfolded their picnic blanket and started to eat.

Vivian looked very unhappy like she really was. She kept complaining. Jackson was starting to get really annoyed. Before he could say a word, Maxine said STOP IT!!!!! Then the sisters started arguing so Jackson said stop, you guys can figure things out. But Maxine talked back. Your not the boss of me! Me too! So they just kept arguing, and arguing. Lily also tried to convince them to stop but she got into the argument, too.

Everything was getting louder, and louder. Zack and Jake also got into the argument. Everything looked very harmful with the screaming, and yelling argument until Mr.Corzor said loudly, how we buy some ice cream at the ice cream truck nearby? Then everybody’s face lit up like a lightbulb.

So every one ordered some ice cream and ate the leftover food from the picnic and went home.

After a a few minutes, Jake fell asleep so Vivian sang a song. Her voice is like a emerald, whispered Lily.

Last edited 4 years ago by Kathleen Y
Max Z
Max Z
October 6, 2020 7:47 pm

Once there was a family with sextuplets — six babies born at once. The brothers were named Harry, Tim, Fred, Edward, Sherlock, and Emric. Their mother never get confused to recognize each of them, because they had very different facial expressions, since when they were babies.

Harry was a happy boy, most of the time. He smiles, laughs, giggles almost all the time. His eyes looked like new moons.

Tim looked tired all the time like he did a lot of work. His mouth was squiggly and eyes were half closed, or you can say half open.

Fred was an angry boy and always easily got frustrated by anyone or anything. His eyebrows twisted like waves on his forehead.

Edward was a curious boy and was excited to try everything. His hair was always pointed up as if it wanted to reach the excitement itself. His eyes were widely open as if they wanted to catch everything came into sight.

Sherlock was a quiet boy and acted shy. His lips kept closed and never let anyone see his tongue and teeth.

Emric was a funny boy, he talked a lot jokes but no one could get him, and that made him feel embarrassed all the time, then he would show redness on his checks and ears.

That’s how their mom tell apart of her sextuplet boys.

Yi Miao
October 6, 2020 8:52 pm

“Aney is so excited today” said Jack to his mom, do you know why she is so excited?” No I do not know why” said mom. “Okay I will go ask Aney” said Jack. So he went up stairs to ask Aney why she was so excited. When he got to Aney’s room he went in and to his surprise she was not in her room. Where is she Jack thought to himself. So he went back down stairs to his mom.” Did you ask aney why she is so excited” asked his mom, “no” said Jack she was not in her room. “Okay” said his mom. “Go look outside Jack” said his mom. “Okay” said Jack. So he went outside and started to look for Aney. Finally he found Aney in the treehouse in the woods so he climbed up the rope ladder and ask her why she was so excited and Aney said “I am excited because I get to play in the night of plays tonight” “oh” said Jack.

October 6, 2020 10:36 pm

Ella is very independent girl. When she just turns in 11 years old, she thought she maybe can start doing some job and save money for her world-traveling dream.
After talking with mom and friends, she decided started with learning to be a good babysitter. She was so excited for her plan. She cannot stop giggling in her room.
Mommy heard her laughters, frowning and asking, “What happened, baby?”
“Mommy, I just decided to learn to be a good babysitter. So, I can earn money. When I grow up, I can travel the whole world.” Ella’s black eyes danced.
“Alright, I can help to schedule you a training. Tomorrow Aunt Annie will come to visit us with her six month baby daughter Ava. You can help to take care of Ava.” Mommy answered.
The second day, Aunt Annie visited Ella’s house bringing her little daughter Ava. Mommy talked with Aunt Annie a while. Aunt Annie hold Ava to Ella with a grateful smile, said gracefully,” thank you for tour help, Ella. Observing her can help you a lot.”
“When you heard she make sounds and keep smile, means she is happy.
When she is crying, she is maybe hungry or need change diaper, even not feel good.
When her face turns read and holding her hands, maybe she is pooping.
Observing her carefully, you will be a good babysitter.”
Because all the suggestions form Annie Aunt, Ella did a good job to babysit Ava.

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